Roofing Services
Port Enterprises, Ltd is a family owned and operated roofing company with over 55 years of experience engaging in all types of roofing: New construction, Re-roofing, Roof Restoration, Maintenance, and Specialty Sheet Metal Fabrication. We are committed to excellence in quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. Port Enterprises specializes in: Built-Up Roofing, Modified Roofing, TPO/PVC Roofing, Metal Roofing, and Tile Roofing. With office locations throughout Central and South Texas we can service our customers and provide timely response to customer needs.

PORT ENTERPRISES, Ltd. is actively committed to the health and welfare of all PORT ENTERPRISES, Ltd. employees. Management accepts the responsibility for providing a safe and healthy environment for all employees. Management, therefore, sets forth and endorses a vigorous safety program to prevent the occurrence of injuries and to avoid the suffering and economic loss that sometimes accompanies accidents and injuries. It is mandatory that all employees will vigorously and conscientiously apply these rules in the interest of reducing and eliminating job-related injuries. The safety rules and procedures set forth in our safety manual are basic requirements for establishing a safe place in which to work. These rules are not intended to be all-inclusive since it is impossible to write a rule for every conceivable situation. It is therefore necessary that each employee exercise good judgment with his/her personal safety and the safety of co-workers, clients and the general public at every job site.